Welcome to annual Conference of Legal Psychology ‘Legal Psychology: Science and Applications’, Mykolas Romeris university, Vilnius.
The main mission of the conference is to bring together professionals of various areas of legal psychology. The aim is to share experience, discuss contemporary research and problems, and to outline perspectives of legal psychology development.
Conference will cover traditional and newest topics in legal psychology. Likewise it will overview theoretical and practical aspects of this science: issues in education of legal psychologists, professional competences of psychologist conducting psychological assessment, the role of psychologist in penal process, peculiarities of interrogation process, the evaluation of evidence reliability, false confessions, re-offense risk assessment, issues in procedural justice, the effectiveness of interventions, etc.
We hope that you will enjoy the beauty of Lithuania and the charming atmosphere of historical city of Vilnius.
Looking forward to meet you in Vilnius!
The Conference Organizing Committee
Link to previous Legal Psychology Conferences: http://lpconference.home.mruni.eu/